Neo Geo Aes Shop North America

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Neo Geo Aes Shop North America
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The Neo Geo is probably one of the most underrated game consoles of the 90’s. One of the reasons why we don’t hear about the Neo Geo as much is mainly due to the fact that the console was not as heavily marketed in America as the Super Nintendo or the Sega Genesis. Not only were the Neo Geo consoles heavily under-marketed in America but the cost for the original game system was insane. The price for the Neo Geo AES was approximately $650 following its release in the early 90’s.

Because of the limited release, KOF 2000 is the rarest, licensed North American Neo-Geo AES release. Check for King of Fighters 2000 on eBay Metal Slug: $2,500 – $3,000. Calling to mind the massive Neo Geo AES controllers, this stick is an absolute beast. It’s the same size as the console itself, and boasts an identical stick and button layout to the original.

When it comes down to games for the Neo Geo one of the most popular series that was featured on the console included The King of Fighters along with Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury and Samurai Showdown.Whether you were at a arcade center or playing it for the Neo Geo The King of Fighters series felt virtually the same in terms of gameplay. In fact, if the King of Fighters series was marketed properly along with the Neo Geo it could have actually competed with Capcom’s Street Fighter games on a mainstream level in America. If the Neo Geo was priced around $300 or even $400 following its release it probably would have sold more than it did.The Neo Geo was one of the first consoles to include a memory card unlike the Super Nintendo which only allowed players to save their progress in specific games such as The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. But as expensive as the Neo Geo console was you had to believe that the memory cards were not highly affordable either.

Neo Geo Aes Console

If people decided to buy a Neo Geo console at a used game store today it would probably average between $200 and $300 which is still somewhat expensive but reasonable in this day and age. After the Street Fighter II series started to become popular in 1991 there were many other fighting titles that began to emerge afterwards that were quite impressive. One of the games that many people got to see in arcade centers was Fatal Fury back in 1992. When it comes down to the Fatal Fury one of the most popular characters in the entire series was Mai Shiranui. In terms of popularity some would argue that Mai Shiranui was SNK’s version of Chun-Li. During a time period where there were hardly any female characters featured in fighting games Mai Shiranui was one of the first recognizable names in the genre during the early 90’s along with Chun-Li.In terms of sex appeal both Mai Shiranui & Chun-Li were evenly matched and they were both interesting characters that people could easily get into. One of the main differences between the two characters iwas the amount of mainstream exposure they both had.

While Chun-Li was more of a mainstream character in the fighting genre Mai Shiranui along with the rest of the characters in the King Fighter series felt like they represented the underground circuit of the same category. The same thing can be said for other characters like Morrigan Aensland from DarkStalkers when people think about the game she is probably the very first person that comes to mind. Similar to Morrigan Aensland the amount of popularity that Mai Shiranui had in the Fatal Fury & The King of Fighters series makes it appear as if she is the overall main character of the series. In regards to the King of Fighters series Mai Shiranui might easily be seen as the Chun-Li of SNK even though many people would argue that she was not quite as popular as her.

When we look back at the price of gaming back in the 80’s, 90’s or even the 00’s most game consoles that were released within those three decades were either reasonably expensive or at least affordable they stayed within a certain price bracket. However, when many people look back at the Neo Geo AES which was originally released back in the early 90’s the American price for this game system was approximately $650 in countries such as North America. After looking at the price of the Neo Geo AES over 30 years later after its release many people would still agree to this day that this game console was far too expensive during its time.

In fact, many people would probably argue that the Neo Geo AES is probably one of the most expensive game consoles of all time. When the PlayStation 4 was first released in 2013 the average price for the console was around $400 which was also the original price of the PlayStation VR headset.While the Xbox One was originally priced at $499 the price for that console was still significantly lower than the Neo Geo AES which was released by the SNK Corporation in 1990.

However, despite how expensive the Neo Geo AES was during its release it was known to produce advanced 2D arcade like quality in terms of both graphics and gameplay. Some people would argue that the Neo Geo AES was ahead of its time in terms of gaming and could have possibly have sold more if it was priced somewhere within the $300-$400 bracket. Consoles such as the Neo Geo AES reminds many people of the golden era of 2D gaming along with how fierce the console wars were during the 90’s. If the Neo Geo AES was released at a lower price it could have definitely affected the sales of other consoles like Super Nintendo or the Sega Genesis in big way. The King of Fighters series was exciting for both Arcade and the Neo Geo back in the 1990’s and was seen by many to be among the best in terms of 2D fighting games.

After the King of Fighters 2002 was developed by Playmore many people were probably surprised that the same 2D sprites were used for the design of each character similar to that of most the previous games in the series. The old school 2D gameplay however is what made King of Fighters 2002 enjoyable in the eyes of many people. This game was similar to many other King of Fighter titles but one of the main differences was that players had more options when it came down to character selection. The King of Fighters 2002 had one of the largest rosters in series which made this game along with including so many familiar faces from the past King of Fighters titles which added to its appeal. The King of Fighters 2002 gave people the opportunity to play as many characters including K, Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, Mai Shiranui, Yuri Sakazai, Iori, Ryo Sakazaki, Mature, Seth and many more. Along with having a variety of characters there were also many teams that people could choose from as well as battle against including Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury, K, Orochi, Masters, Ikari Warriors, Psycho Solders and many more.Along with having a variety of characters to choose from players can choose which order to battle their opponents in arcade mode.

If one was really good at KOF 2002 they could pull of some insane chain combos when going against various opponents in arcade mode including the surprise battles against the likes of Kula who was one of the sub bosses of the game. One of the most exciting parts of King of Fighters 2002 was the battle in the end against Rugal. The cool thing about the Rugal battle was the cutscenes that occurred before the game. Not much is explained prior to the battle against Rugal due to lack of dialogue but after defeating him people are almost certain that he was destroyed in the airship considering the fact that he was not featured in the sequel entitled King of Fighters 2003. The fact that developers decided to retain the old school 2D graphics when the world of gaming was starting to focus more on 3D gameplay was very interesting. During the early 2000’s games such as the Soul Calibur and Tekken series was starting to become very popular and despite how fun this game was it arguably suffered from fierce competition within the fighting genre. Many people from America have probably never heard of this game unless they are hardcore gamers or true fans of the King of Fighters series.

The King of Fighters 2002 was made available mainly in Japan during the early 00’s along with being released for multiple game consoles including the Neo Geo, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2 along with the original Xbox. Even though the landscape of gaming was evolving the 2D gameplay that the King of Fighters 2002 along with its dream roster of characters from the series was something that would be successful in attracting hardcore gamers of the fighting genre along with being seen as classic to some people who are fans of the KOF in general. Throughout the 1990’s the King of Fighters series has been popular in various arcade centers around the world. It was one of the most well known 2D fighting game series of the 1990’s and continued to improve as time progressed. While most of the King of Fighter games were very good one of the classic that many people remember include the title that SNK released in 1999.

Months before the start of the new millennium SNK had released King of Fighters ’99 for the Sega Dreamcast. Along with being released for the Sega Dreamcast King of Fighters ’99 was also ported to various other game consoles including the Neo Geo CD and the Sony PlayStation. If you ask many people on which port is their favorite they would probably argue that the Neo Geo version is better than the PlayStation since its closer to the arcade in terms of quality. Also, with the Sony PlayStation King of Fighters ’99 can be annoying sometimes as far as loading times are concerned. There were several things about King of Fighters ’99 that some people including the introduction of new characters.This game had introduced a new character known as “K” who was the leader of the hero team and had an interesting backstory. King of Fighters ’99 had also introduced a new boss character named Krizalid who deceivingly strong once you battle him towards the end of the game.

Along with adding new characters SNK brought back many of our favorite characters from previous KOF games including Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Mai Shiranui, Kyo Kusanagi, King, Kim Kaphqan, Joe Higashi, Lori Yagaim, Andy Bogard and more. One of the features about King of Fighters ’99 that stood out the most was the 4 on 4 team battle option.

In previous King of Fighter games players were only limited to having up to a maximum of three people on a team and this feature is considered to be an improvement in comparison to the previous titles in the series. One of the cool things about having four people on your team is that it increases your chances on defeating the final boss in this game. After completing King of Fighters ’99 the game features some pretty cool cutscenes along with a cliffhanger ending featuring Krizalid.

King of Fighters ’99 was an excellent 2D fighting classic for its time and for those who never owned the game they can enjoy this title by downloading it on the PlayStation Network. The arcade fighting titles of the early 90’s were truly amazing since it was a time where 2D gaming was starting to become much better in quality.

While there were so many arcade classics that were enjoyable during the early 90’s the Art of Fighting series is generally popular among hardcore fans of the fighting genre rather than casual players. When Art of Fighting 2 was released in arcade centers worldwide many people were excited to see some of their favorite characters return from the original game such as Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Lee Pai Long, Ryuhaku Todoh, King and Mickey Rogers make return. Art of Fighting 2 had also featured new characters such as Yuri Sakazaki, Temijin, Eilji Kisaragi along with Gesse Howard who is one of the boss characters for this game.

Another boss character in this game known as Mr. Big had also made his return from the original Art of Fighting title.Not only was the visual design for this classic 2D game great but the soundtrack for this game is pretty cool.

One of the things that stands out the most about Art of Fighting 2 included the challenging arcade mode this game provided. Even though, the first Art of Fighting game was very challenging the second installment had seemed impossible especially if the series was new to you. However, despite how tough Art of Fighting 2 is the game had included a few elements that made the arcade mode very interesting. The dialogue between characters before and after they battled was pretty good because it contributed to the storytelling aspect of Art of Fighting 2. Also, Art of Fighting 2 also does a good job in getting key parts of the main plot across during the intro along with using in game action to provide players with more anticipation for the game itself.


In Art of Fighting 2 SNK was kind enough to bring back the bonus stages from the original game released in 1992. The bonus stages in this game included “Spirit Training” along with”Strength Training” which were both fun but by no means easy in anyway. The combination of various elements that made the first Art of Fighting popular along with the improved graphics and gameplay of the second game highly contributes to the overall replay value of this game. Art of Fighting 2 was an exciting fighting title that people can spend hours playing along with their friends for the Neo Geo or the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. This game might have been very popular in the 1990’s but people who are true fans of the old school 2D fighting genre would still have a great time playing Art of Fighting 2 today like it was just released.

When we think about arcade based fighting games there are many titles that instantly come to mind especially those involving crossovers. Even though the fighting genre of gaming was not as popular in the 2000’s as it was during the 90’s there were still some decent games being made during that time period. In the early 00’s a crossover 2D fighting game entitled SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos was released for the Neo Geo Multi Video System. The cool thing about SVC Chaos included the multiple boss characters that were in this game.

When people played SVC Chaos for the first time they would not only realize that it was more challenging than they originally expected but it was also very unpredictable in terms of boss battles. There were so many bosses in this game including Shin Akuma, Serious Mr.

Karate along with Athena & Violent Ken who are featured as secret boss characters. Along with having secret & final bosses there were also mid along with sub boss characters from games that people would have never expected.

In fact SVC Chaos had featured several characters that many people did not expect to be included in the game which made things more exciting. SVC Chaos had not only included characters from the Street Fighter & King of Fighters series but it also included people from the Art of Fighting, Samurai Shodown, DarkStalkers, Metal Slug 2 and Mega Man Zero.The roster for this game features several popular characters that many people are familiar with including Ryu, Kyo Kusanagi, Chun-Li, Mai Shiranui, Ken, Lori Yagami, Akuma, Kim Kaphwan, Earthquake, Geese Howard and more. Along with having a fantastic roster the visual aspect of this game was outstanding.

Neo geo aes shop north america online

SVC Chaos features some of the best 2D graphics that you would see in any fighting game especially during the early 2000’s since 3D gaming was starting to become more popular. The graphics for SVC Chaos was awesome and since was originally a Neo Geo game it was pretty cool because we got to see characters from Street Fighter, DarkStalkers, Samurai Shodown and more in a title that was developed by SNK. Even though, SVC Chaos was very impressive it was unusually difficult to complete at times because the opponents were tougher than most people expected. When players develop a strategy on how to complete the arcade mode after wasting multiple coins and losing many times they are generally caught off guard with a surprise boss battle.Also, on top of having surprise opponents it sometimes felt like the arcade mode would slowly increase in difficulty as if the game was watching you while playing. The dialogue between characters during boss/rival battles was also another element that made the arcade mode for SVC Chaos enjoyable because you never knew who the next opponent was when playing for the first time. If you managed to complete SVC Chaos in its entirety it was well worth the effort since there were actual endings to the game. After being released for the Neo Geo MVS it was ported to various consoles including the Neo Geo AES, PlayStation 2, and Xbox.

While playing SVC Chaos for the Neo Geo MVS was fun playing the game one the home console was just as exciting considering the fact that it highly resembled the original arcade version. Even though, 3D gaming was very popular during the early 00’s there were some 2D fighting games that were fantastic and SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos would be considered a hidden gem as far as arcade classics are concerned.

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Untitled 1Head-Ed in Charge:The Neo-GlossaryA quick guide for Newbies and a refresher forVetsby Bobak!Questions, Comments, Suggestions?Special thanks to all those who've helpedmake it better: Big Bear, BioMotorUnitron, BonusKun, Briggs, Chris1,RyoGyo, Shawn, Tiptonium, et al.Last update: 03/23/03Editor's Note: The first 4 definitions are the foundational terms, therest are listed in alphabetical order, followed by a list of commoninternet termsFoundation TermsNeo GeoCommon short hand for the Neo Geo AdvancedEntertainment System. Originally created in 1990 by SNK.It began as a rental-only, arcade-exact system (see AES) in Japanbefore its huge popularity prompted SNK to release it for purchase.From its inception, SNK planned an arcade version (See MVS) topromote the home system in arcades.

Much to the surprise ofSNK, the arcade version was a historic success while the AES versionfizzled into a cult following. The system (home and arcade) isthe longest supported system (by a parent company) in video gamehistory, surpassing the Game Boy/Game Boy Color. It is whythis site and this community exists. Also referred to as the'Neo.' AES/AES CartridgeTerm describing cartridges for the Neo Geo homesystem (also known as home carts). Stands for Advanced Entertainment System.

The term originally described the system itself: the Englishlanguage logo for the Neo Geo had “Advanced Entertainment System”stamped between the Neo and Geo -fulfilling the Japanese love foradding superlatives to their product descriptions. The term has now become a popular short hand for describing aHome Cartridge (i.e. “I traded my Robo Army CD for his Metal Slug 3AES.”).

AES carts arenot compatible with the arcade (MVS) system (except by conversion).Alternatively described as 'NGH' games.MVS /MVS CartridgeTerm describing cartridges for the Neo Geo arcadesystem. Stands forMulti Video System. Theterm is actually part of the name of the arcade system: the Neo GeoMulti Video System ( SeeNeo Geo MVS). Although they contain the same “guts” (ROMchips and such), they are not compatible with the home system(different size outputs). They manufacturer did this to prevent arcade operators frombuying the then cheaper home carts (MVS carts debut in the$500-$1200+ range, home carts in the $180-$300 range).SNKCompany that created the Neo Geo. Stands for Shin Nihon Kikaku (NewJapan Project).Operated from 1978-2001.

Began creating arcade games in the late ‘70s, created anumber of popular series (like Ikari Warriors) in the early ‘80s andported many of them onto computers and the venerable NES. In 1989, SNK entered the home system market with the Neo Geo,the first ‘premium’ home system.

Hit with a series of growing financial problems starting inthe late ‘90s, SNK finally closed on Oct. Gamers everywhere mourned. Fortunately, SNK'sintellectual property rights (and more importantly its spirit) werecarried on by Playmore Corp.

Starting in late 2001. In 2003,Playmore officially changed its name to SNK-Playmore (SNK-P).See Playmore and SNK-P.Common Terms1, 2, 4, 6-slotThe number of games allowed on a Neo Geo MVSarcade unit. Since thegames game in separate cartridges to lower costs (and promote thehome system), MVS boards were designed with slots for thecartridges. More 4-slotcabinets were produced than any other.

6-slots are very large boards, and sometimes cannot fit inall cabinets. 6-slotshave been known to have reliability issues, but this can be avertedthrough proper care.ADK (1)Alpha Denshi Corp.

Development team within SNK. Created several notable games, including the World Heroesseries. Previously known as 'Alpha' and Alpha Team.ADK (2)ADK, the developer, created a game called'Aggressors of Dark Kombat' (borrowing the alternate spelling ofcombat from 'Mortal Kombat'), a play on their own initials. See ADK(1)AEGAdvanced Entertainment Game.This is stamped on some internal boards. Term very rarelyused.ALHSome early games by the Alpha Team (ADK) usedthe 'ALH' designation instead of NGH.

See Alpha TeamAlpha/Alpha TeamDevelopment team under SNK, later changed tobecome ADK. See ADK(1)Apple Photo SystemsAmusement machine company based in New York thatofficially distributed SNK arcade MVS and photo-machine systemsafter SNK USA closed.

Ceased its operations on behalf of SNKonce SNK Japan closed. After Playmore bought SNK'sintellectual property rights, it opened SNK Neo Geo USA to handle USdistribution. See Playmore and SNK Neo Geo USA.!Arcade!Independent game store that specializes inconverting MVS carts into home carts and doing small home releasesof games that were “MVS-only.” Has a forum.AruzeAruzeCorp. Is Japanese corporation specializing in pachinko games(Japanese gambling machines played on a vertical pinball machine)and other gambling ventures.

Neo Geo Aes Shop North America

In an attempt to broaden itsholdings, Aruze bought the financially strapped SNK in its finalyears and put it under its Aruze Group. Other than releasinggambling simulators for the NGPC and MVS, it did very little to helpSNK -leaving it out in the cold when it went bankrupt in 2001.After the bankruptcy it no longer possessed the SNK intellectualcopyrights. Aruze tried to hold onto the SNK name within theJapanese market, but upon Playmore's (the successor to SNK) move toJapan, Playmore was able to win title back the the SNK name.AuthenticSeeSNK-AuthenticB aggy/ManualBaggyThe clearplastic bag that contains the instruction booklet in new Neo Geohome cartridges. These are considered a component of a “complete”cartridge and are valued by some collectors.Barone FamilyThe family that managed SNK USA in its finalyears, headquartered in San Jose, CA. Following the Japanesebusiness tradition of trusting families to run a business, SNK Japanhired the Barone family to control SNK USA. This provedanother disaster for SNK Japan.

Under their misguidedleadership, the Barone family ignored the niche US home cart market,completely botched the launch of the Neo Geo Pocket Color, and didnothing to further arcade sales of the MVS or SNK Photo Systems(which were both awarded to Apple Photo Systems after SNK USA'sdemise). SNK USA was closed in 2000. The Barone familywill forever hold a place of infamy in the history of the Neo Geo.Bios ChipSee Debug modification.BootlegSomething that has been made without thepermission of the original copyright owner. Since these itemsare created illegally for quick profit, they are almost alwaysinferior in some way to the originals.

Buyer beware. Toreemphasize, these are illegal and grounds for legal action.Playmore (the current holder of all SNK copyrights) has demonstratedits willingness to take to court anyone who violates its copyrightswith bootlegs. See Counterfeits.BrezzaSoftFormer corporation based in Osaka. Strongcorporate roots originating from SNK. Developed the CrystalSystem ( See Crystal System). It was a division ofPlaymore until Playmore dissolved it when it moved to Japan.See Playmore.Buy-RiteOther than their apparent spelling problem, thisNorth Carolina based video game retailer sells Neo Geo games, but isknown for lousy customer service.Candy/Candy CabTerm for the smaller, more space efficientJapanese arcade cabinets popular in arcades throughout the PacificRim. They are usually undedicated (not produced for a specificgame), although many MVS candy cabs are specially adapted for theMVS marquee.

See Converted Cab and Dedicated Cab.Carton-BoxThe original Japanese release home cartridgescame in paper boxes (similar to the paper used in NES boxes, onlymuch larger). The box contained a molded plastic tray thatheld the cartridge and manual.Cases,New-StyleSeeSnap-cases.Case,Old-StyleThesehome cartridge cases were thin and had a clear cover for placementof the insert.

Theywere the size of large books and closed snugly in a clam-shellmanner. Inside theycontained a molded plastic tray to hold the cartridge and manual. They were replaced by new-style snap-cases in 1995.CD-onlyA game that was only released in the Neo Geo CDhome format. These werecreated as incentive for buying the Neo Geo CD.CDZThe Neo Geo CDZ is the second CD system made bySNK.

It has beenfalsely claimed that it has a double speed drive. Actually, it has a larger cache for holding loadedinformation, and has a more efficient CD drive. Still does not eliminate the notorious CD load times on latertitles. Has been saidto be less reliable than the original CD system.Chris RaySelf proclaimed 'Big-Tymer', Mr. Ray (AKA ChrisR)is being sued (with business partner Dion Dakis) by Playmore(parent company of the Neo Geo) for copyright infringement.His antics have defrauded multiple collectors. He has sulliedhis own reputation with multiple bad deals and lying to both fellowfans and SNK itself. His close business associate is DionDakis and their company is NeoGeo Freak/NGF.

Of the two, Mr.Ray is known for being the technical mind. Buyers shoulddefinitely beware. See NeoGeo Freak/NGFCoin-OpCoin- Operated. Refers to anarcade machine. The Neo Geo MVS is a coin-op.Condition ScaleThe scale by which the wear-and-tear (damage) toa cart is assessed. Helps buyers and sellers understand thecondition of a product.

These can vary from person to person,but should be understood by parties before a anexample of a condition scale.Controller, New StyleSee Pro Controller.Controller, Old StyleOriginal pack-in joystick by SNK. Couldalso be bought separately.

Large rectangular base, black, andsurprisingly light for how sturdy they are. The most popularNeo Geo controller.ConversionThe procedure that takes an MVS cart and convertsit into an AES cart playable on the home system. This involvesthe use of a sacrificial cartridge (sac cart) as a host for the newconverted cart. The chips in the sac cart are removed (if doneproperly, (1) the sac cart can be restored or (2) the sac chips canbe transferred to the MVS cart). Controversial method:Converting a cartridge for personal use is probably legal, selling aconverted cartridge is probably illegal. Beware.Converted CabAn arcade cabinet that was originally designedfor one game, but now houses another. Their aestheticquality depends on the skills of the person converting the cabinetand can vary greatly.

See Candy Cab and Dedicated Cab.Converted CartA game that has been created by conversion of anMVS cart. Legally touchy subject. See Conversion.Cosmic Company/CosmiccoCosmic Amusement Machine Company. Cheapseller of MVS games out of Hong Kong.

Many of their games are bootlegs. Great prices, stellar service, very reliable.CounterfeitGames (either home or arcade) that are changed orcopied without permission and then sold again. These areillegal and grounds for legal action. They are also lessdesirable than originals on the collectors market and can sometimeshave inferior technical aspects that may affect gameplay.CPOControl Panel Overlay.The decorated overlay that goes over/around the joysticks andbuttons of an arcade machine.

Common reference among arcadedealers and enthusiasts.Crystal SystemA new, separate JAMMA compatible arcade board byBrezzaSoft that uses cartridges like the Neo Geo MVS.CvSCapcom vs. SNK (also: CvS Pro,CvS2). This was the version made by Capcom.

TheSNK version of this match-up begins with SNK (vs. Capcom).Dedicated CabAn arcade cabinet specially designed to house aspecific game, almost always by the game's distributor (Candy cabshold some exceptions). See Candy Cab and Converted Cab.Debug/BIOS ModModification that allows the Neo Geo home systemto open up the debug/BIOS menu that arcade operators use (since theMVS and AES carts are the same program). Requires the installation of a special add-on chip to changethe regular AES BIOS chip into the arcade chip.DHPNeo-Geo DHP Mailing List: The original Neo Geomailing list is still going after 9 years. Piecemeal archivescan be accessed on the main DHP website (the pre-1997 archives arevery incomplete). Great way to look into the past.

Hasbeen nicknamed the Neo Geo Holy Scrolls by some. Instructionson how to subscribe can be found in the Link's section of this site.Dion DakisSelf proclaimed 'Big-Tymer', Mr. Dakis (AKA'Dion' or 'Crazy Dion') is being sued by Playmore (AKA 'parentcompany and legal copyright holder of SNK and the Neo Geo') forcopyright infringement.

His antics have defrauded multiplecollectors. He also possesses one of the largest Neo Geocollections on the planet, but he has sullied his own reputationwith multiple bad deals, ridiculous and hateful banter, and lying toboth fellow fans and SNK itself. His close business associateis Chris Ray, his company is NeoGeo Freak/NGF. Of the two, Mr.Dakis is known for being the salesman.

Buyers shoulddefinitely beware. See NeoGeo Freak/NGFDog-TagA special Neo-Geo “Seal of Quality” that wasadded to the spine of early US Neo Geo carts by SNK USA (seals ofquality were a popular trend started with the NES). The logo’s prominent feature was a rabid dog (taken from amagazine commercial), hence the term dog-tag.

This was later replaced by the standard “Neo-Geo” symbol with“Advanced Entertainment System” written in the middle. Early European carts never used the Dog-Tag and instead usedthe AES symbol. See Euro-Tag.To view a Dog-Tag, click.DolphinLord's Neo Geo DomainUnlistedYahoo Club that grew to be the largest Neo-related site on Yahoo andthe center of the Neo Geo community from 1999-2000.

Itssingle-thread format became cumbersome with so many members and ittransitioned into the Forums at The Domain stillexists and there are a number of interesting posts to bediscovered by the person with the time and patience to dig throughnearly 14000 messages. It was also tied to a.EolithKorean software developer involved with thedesign of the King of Fighters 2001 and other Neo Geo games.Once thought to be the heir to SNK, is actually a developer.E mulatorA programdesigned to simulate a home video game console on the computer.Illegal to use on commercial games, even if you own the originalgame. See Nintendo's excellenton thesubject. See ROM (2).EPROMA memory chip whose contents can be erased by amechanism using ultraviolet light and reprogrammed for otherpurposes. Bootleg MVScarts contain EPROMs that have been copied from the original ROMs ofanother game.

Thesecopies are known for frequent technical problems (from the transferprocess) and potential failure.Also known as a PROM. Stands for Programmable Read- Only Memory.See Bootleg.Euro/Euro-tagWhile the early US versions of Home Carts used aspecial “dog-tag,” the rest of early English carts (collectivelyknown as Euro-carts) were stamped with the standard Neo-Geo/AESsymbol that became the standard outside-Japan Neo-Geo symbol.EvogaDeveloper of Neo Geo games. Based inMexico.

First game for Neo Geo was Rage of the Dragons.Also develops for the Crystal Hardware.FFFatal Fury(also: FF2, FFS, FF3, FFWA Wild Ambition)Freaked/FreakingGames that have been damaged by NeoGeo Freak (afictitious company created by Dion Dakis and Chris Ray).' Freaking' includes (but is not limited to) several possibilitiessuch as counterfeiting inserts to replace originals; changingofficial inserts into unofficial inserts and then selling them(without permission of the original copyright holder); illegallyconverting cartridges; replacing cartridge boxes; and/or stampingvoid stickers all over manuals, inserts, cartridges, etc. SeeNeoGeo Freak/NGFGame DudeSelf proclaimed “largest video game store in theuniverse.” This maywell be true.Warehouse-size store is located in North Hollywood, CA. Deals with all home and portable Neo Geo formats.

Has been known to get good games from time to time.Also buys used games. Uses notorious void stickers. See void stickers.G oldSystemWhen SNK released the Neo Geo Gold System itincluded the AES system, 2 old-style controllers, a memory card, anda pack-in game. Originally the purchaser had the choice ofBaseball Stars Pro or NAM-1975 (the first two games released).By the time it was wide released in the US, it came with MagicianLord as the pack-in game. Many Gold System boxes have a goldsticker stating 'Includes Magician Lord' placed over the originalchoices.GW/Great Western TradingGreat Western Trading Co. Is a large arcadedealer that sells its own version of a Super Gun, the HGA ( HomeGame Arcade system).

Also sells MVS carts.See Super Gun.GW HGASee GW/Great Western TradingHomebrewGames and accessories that have been created byprivate individuals/fans.Hotel UnitSee Neo Geo Hotel Unit.Hyper 64See Neo Geo Hyper 64.InsertEach game for the Neo Geo has an individualinsert printed with the front cover graphics, the spine, and theback cover description. They are printed on large pieces ofhigh quality paper that are then placed inside the clear plasticcover of both new and old style cases. Beware of forgeries, itis very hard to match the exact paper grade/quality.Internet FraudFor a primer, check.JAMMA/JammaThe international standard connection used forarcade boards (PCBs) since 1986.

Created to make changing games and converting cabinets easierfor arcade operators.JAMMA stands for Japanese Amusement MachineManufacturers Association. The Neo Geo MVS is JAMMA compatible.JAMMA Test RigWhile some think Test rigs are the same as SuperGuns,notes the differences: 'A Super Gun has an RGBconverter so you can output a PCB to a TV screen. A JAMMA TestRig has an isolation transformer so you can output to an arcademonitor. Other than that, they are pretty much the same,although a Super Gun is usually a lot more polished.' Joystick, Old StyleSee Controller, Old Style.JPNJapanese version.KLOVThe Killer List Of VideoGames, a very useful arcade resource website at klov.comKOFThe King Of Fighters,usually followed by the year (i.e.

KOF’94 – ‘01)Korean AESOfficially produced English cartridges that wereproduced in Korea.Link-Up FeatureSeveral of the early Neo Geo AES releasesfeatured a socket on top of the home cartridge that allowed two homesystems with the same cartridge to be linked together for up to4-player action. For a longtime there was a belief that no such cables were made, however anumber were created in included beneath the trays of at leastsome link-up games (Riding Hero is the confirmed game, see).The three games were League Bowling, Riding Hero, and Thrash Rally.For an extended discussion about the Link-Up Feature, please seethread.Mahjong ControllerSNK made controller specifically designed formahjong games (Mahjong is a game of Chinese origin for fourresembling rummy and played with tiles). Since all Neo Geomahjong games play in Japanese-only, the controller was neverreleased outside the country. They were not produced in largenumbers and are consequently hard to find. They cannot be usedfor any other game as the control scheme is completelygame-specific.MarqueeUnlike other arcade marquees, MVS games come withspecial semi-transparent cards that display the game title (andsometimes basic instructions) on the lighted MVS marquee.These are sometimes called mini-marquees to prevent confusion withthe few large scale marquees that SNK created for some of theirlarger hits. Sometimes photocopied with very mixedresults.MAS JoysticksBig, solid arcade-quality joysticks made by MASsystems. They can comein one or two player units (two player units are the same size anddimension as an arcade console.

Very popular among arcade enthusiasts.MAS SystemsMulti Arcade Systems.US-based arcade company. Creates MAS joysticks, Supernovas,and does conversions.Mega EnterpriseMega Enterprise Co: Korean software developer,developed Metal Slug 4.Memory CardSelf explanatory. The Neo Geo was the first major home system to offer thisfeature, which also allowed players to save games at the arcade(fully interchangeable with both formats). The Neo Geo memory card holds 2kb of info. There is a Panasonic card that is also compatible with theNeo Geo that holds 1MB (more than you’ll ever need). They are PCMCIA cards.ModdedA modded system is a home console that has beenmodified with added and/or enhanced features like added S-Video,Debug chip, etc. See separate entries for differentmodifications.MOTWGarou: Mark of the Wolves (latest sequel of FFseries, FF was called Garou Densetsu in JPN).MSMetal Slug (also: MS2, MSX, MS3,MS4)MVS-casesSpecially created red cases that were produced tohold MVS cartridges.

These clam-shell style cases include aclear cover to hold marquees or homebrew inserts. See Shock Box.MVS-onlyA game that was never released on the home marketon either AES cartridge or CD. The reasons for their non-release range from poor gamequality to perceived lack of interest.NCSNational Console Support. Import specialists operating out of New York, US.

Very reputable company.NeoAlec'sNeoAlec's Unofficial Neo Geo Page was a center ofthe Neo Geo community until 1998. Formerly at, thesite is no longer updated. Home of the humorous 'Signs you'vebeen playing too much Neo Geo.'

Neo-CommunityThe informal, colorful, and rather anarchic groupof gamers and collectors world-wide who share an interest in SNK'sNeo Geo and its progeny. They are known for their passion andindividualism.' Neo Geo'Neo Geo means 'New World'Neo Geo CD SystemProduced in 1993, the Neo Geo CD system wasSNK's attempt to bring down the astronomical cost of home games inorder to broaden its market. The original Neo Geo CD isavailable in a limited edition front-loader and then a much morecommon top-loader.

A second, faster system (the CDZ) wasreleased in its final years. For several years games werereleased on both AES and CD. The CD system's fatal flaw wasits long load times. SNK attempted to increase its popularityby releasing many 'CD Only' releases (like the extremely popular'Bust-a-Move' and others like 'Crossed Swords 2' and 'Ironclad'-many of these exclusive titles are rare).

The system hadlimited success and was scrapped by the late 90s.Neo Geo Gold SystemSee Gold System.Neo Geo Hotel UnitSpecial MVS unit designed to be connected to a TV. Very sturdyconstruction allows a TV to be placed on top of the stand-like unit.Contains an MVS unit that used home system controllers (can fit oneold-style joystick inside cabinet). Uses a coin-slot.Was most likely designed for a hotel room.Neo Geo Hyper 64Neo Geo Hyper 64 was a failed attempt by SNK tocreate a 64-bit arcade system to follow the immense success of theNeo Geo MVS. It alsoused a similar interchangeable-cart system. Few games were made.Neo Geo MVSArcade PCB created by SNK that used easy to swapcheaper game cartridges (See MVS carts) instead of replacingthe entire board.

Came in several sizes ( See 1-6 Slots).Format proved to be exceptionally popular, keeping the systemalive from its inception (1989) until the present.Neo Geo Silver SystemSee Silver SystemNeo Geo WorldSNK themed mini-theme parks in Japan. Had more than one location, main location in Tokyo Bay(complete with Ferris Wheel).

Closed with the demise of SNK in 2001.Neo game store dedicated to the Neo Geo.Neo-Geo.comLarge Neo Geo website with forums, reviews, andinternational membership. Home of the Neo Geo Master opened forums in August 2000 and rose to become a centerof the Neo Geo community by late 2000. Official distributor ofnew English Neo Geo Home Cartridges (AES) since the release of MetalSlug 3.NGCD#Neo Geo CD # are serial numbers written on theNeo Geo CDs. Before adapting country code numbers like NGHgames ( NGH#), English printed Neo Geo CD games had an 'E'after the number.NGF/NeoGeoFreak (UPDATED!)NeoGeoFreak/NGF-USA (commonly known as NGF): Acompany that took its name from the Japanese fanmagazine. Formed byDion Dakis and Chris Ray, two very big Neo Geo collectors.

Their business tactics and honesty have been challenged onmore than several occasions, including their release of KOF2k US.NGF and its founders Dion and Chris are currently being sued byPlaymore (the legal owner of SNK's intellectual property rights) formultiple reasons. Here is the original press release from.

NGF products are considered counterfeit and frownedupon in the Neo Geo Community. Avoid, avoid, avoid!NGHNeo Geo Home. NGH is used alternativelywith AES in describing home cartridge games. See AES.NGH#Neo Geo Home #: Numbers designating theorder of when a Neo Geo game was produced.They are used on home carts (AES). All official Neo Geogames until recently included an NGH number.By 1997, the three digit NGH# was followed by a fourth numberrepresenting the country code.

The NGH numbers do notalways go in exact sequential order, leaving gaps accounting forgames never completed/produced.NGP/NGP BWNeo Geo Pocket (releasedOct.’98). The original,Black & White Neo Geo Pocket that was only released inJapan. SNK release theNGPColor a year later.NGPCNeo Geo Pocket Color,the second and most popular portable system by SNK.Debuted in 1999. It could link with the Sega Dreamcast.NMNear- Mint. Somewhat relativeterm used to describe the condition of an item. As a generalrule, something called Near Mint should be only have a fewcosmetic problems. This is very important to collectors.See Condition Scale.Noise FactoryDeveloper of Neo Geo games.

Based inJapan. First game was Sengoku 3 for the original SNK Corp(SNK's last official title). Now a part of Playmore Corp.See Playmore.NOSNew Old Stock.Original items that were never sold.

May or may not have beenopened.ON/ fansite devoted to the KOF serieson Neo Geo. Merged with briefly and unsuccessfullyin early 2001 after its original server shut down.PCBPrinted Circuit Board.In terms of arcade games, a PCB refers to the arcade board: the partthat contains that game in an arcade machine (it looks like largecircuit board). The NeoGeo MVS is a PCB.Phantom-1An MVS-to-AES converter that allows home systemowners to play cheaper MVS carts. There is a debate on its reliability, here is one.PlaymorePlaymore Corporation. Official successor toSNK.

Originated in S. Korea, now located in Japan.

Ownsall intellectual property rights held by the former company anddevelops and distributes games for its Neo Geo systems as well asfor other popular systems. It owns Sun Amusement Corp.(Japan); Noise Factory (Developer); SNK NeoGeo USA Corp. (USA); SNKNeoGeo H.K. (Hong Kong); SNK NeoGeo Korea Co. Founded in 2001, the company changed its name toSNK-Playmore after winning a lawsuit in Japan for the 'SNK' title(Aruze attempted to hold onto the SNK name within the Japanesemarket). By starting under the new name 'Playmore', thecompany was able to move back into the Japanese market withoutimmediately getting into a legal battle with the much largercompany, Aruze.PMPrivate Message; can be sent in theforums.PortA game that originated from another system.If a game originated on one video game system (i.e.

Neo Geo),subsequent versions created for other systems (i.e. SNES, Dreamcast)are considered ports.Pro ControllerThe Pro Controller was the second joystickreleased by SNK. It is not as big as the original controller,and is shaped like a kidney bean.

Some players consider thedesign unwieldy.Pro StickSee Pro Controller.Proto cartGames that were either not released for a certainformat or never officially released for the Neo Geo on any format inany territory, but have, in some way or other, been “rediscovered.”RBFFReal Bout Fatal Fury(also: RBFFS, RBFF2)RGBSpecial connection that delivers video in threeseparate feeds ( Red, Green, Blue) for superiorvisual quality. Alsoknown as Component Video.

You must have a special scart compatible monitor/television.SNK produced an official RGB cable.ROM (1)An original MVS cartridge will contain ROM chips. ROM stands for Read- OnlyMemory.

One of two basic types of memory. ROM contains onlypermanent information put there by the manufacturer; information inROM cannot be altered, nor can the memory be dynamically allocatedby the computer or its operator. The ROM chips in an original MVS game will be stamped by thegame developer.ROM (2)The nickname for a video game file on computer.

ROMs are played on emulators.Unless it is a homebrew, it is illegal to possess a ROM underany circumstances (See Nintendo's excellent FAQ on the subject).The usage of the term haslittle to do with the actual definition. See Emulator, homebrew,and ROM (1).S-C/S-C.comSee for the Neo Geo home system thatadds the ability to use S-Video for S-Video compatible Televisions. Superior quality.Sac CartSacrificial cartridge.

Key component forconversion. See Conversion.Seal of ApprovalSpecial tag created by SNK USA in 1991. SeeDog-Tag.Shock BoxThe firstMVS-specific cartridges cases created. It's website includesfan created inserts. See MVS-Case.SilverSystemWhen SNKreleased the Neo Geo Silver System it included the Neo Geo AESsystem, one old-style controller, no game, no memory card.

Itwas not widely released in the United States.S nap-casesSNKstarted producing these sturdier cases in 1995. Made of hard plastic, these clam-shell cases closed and were‘locked-shut’ by a special flap. Other than the clear plastic-insert cover, the case was aone-piece mold and fit both the cartridge and manual inside. The interior bears the marking “SNK” which can damage amanual if incorrectly placed (rare, but confirmed occurrence).

Very slightly bigger than the already large old-style cases.SNK-AuthenticA Neo Geo item that was completely created bySNK, either through in-house manufacture or official licensingagreement.SNK NeoGeo H.K. Co., Ltd.Handles Playmore affairs in Hong Kong. SeePlaymore.SNK NeoGeo Korea Co., Ltd.Handles Playmore affairs in South Korea.See Playmore.SNK NeoGeo USA Corp.Official Division of Playmore Corp. For NorthAmerica based in Orange, CA.

Handles MVS distribution andpromotion in North America. See Playmore.SNK-Capcom.comWebsite founded by devoted SNK/Capcom fan Trieu.Includes a forum.SNK-PThe common abbreviation of SNK-Playmore, thesuccessor company to the original SNK. It was founded byexecutive from the former SNK after their former company bankruptedunder the ownership of Aruze. Originally called 'Playmore',the company was able to add 'SNK' upon winning a Japanese court caseto wrest the name from Aruze.SRK/, Capcom dedicated site.SSSamuraiShodown (also: SS2, SS3, SS4, SS-RPG Role Playing Game)StripesEnglish Neo Geo carts that have the Neo Geo logohave stripes that go above the logo on the spine and to the right ofthe logo on the front cover.

There was an idea by SNK to make the color of the striperepresentative of the game’s genre: Red for fighting games, blue forshooters, and green for sports titles; but SNK never kept thisuniform, and on many release simply reverted to the red stripes. Thus, nearly all official SNK produced carts were made withred stripes. There havebeen attempts to “correct” inserts to match SNK’s attempts byindependent collectors and producers, but these are not authenticSNK creations. There was never an official orange stripe.Super GunA Super Gun is a mini-arcade system, usually usedfor home use on a television (like a home console system).Essentially, a Super Gun contains the insides of a standard arcadevideogame cabinet shoved into one neat little box. There areseveral different 'brand name' Super Guns out there, including theMAS SuperNova, and the GW HGA ( see separate listings).People with technical expertise have created their own Super Guns.Essentially it plugs in a JAMMA board and some controllers and givesthe user the ability to plug it into a TV. An option for aperson who wants the cheaper games via MVS, but does not want tospring for a full-size cabinet.

Also known as a 'JAMMA TestRig.' Super NeoA fully modded Neo Geo Home System. SeeModding.SuperNovaAn special home-system (Super Gun) by MAS Systemsdesigned to play arcade boards on TVs. Can be cumbersome. See Super Gun.SupersellersSupersellers of Japan was a very popular Neo Geoseller out of Japan that offered great selection, great prices, andnotoriously odd communication. Sadly, it is no longer in operation.SvCSNK vs. This was theversion made by SNK.

The Capcom version of thismatch-up begins with Capcom (vs. SNK).Vic SystemA Korean made Home Cart system.

Officially licensed by SNK. Has “VIC” written on the console. Much lighter than the standard console.Void StickersThese stickers were designed to prevent a personfrom tampering with a game and then returning it (originallydesigned for rental outlets and resellers like Game Dude).

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They are placed on the cartridge seams so that they leavevery, very difficult to remove “void” stickers on the cart ifremoved, voiding any warranty agreement. These have been known to be a hassle to collectors and gamersalike. They can beremoved off of plastic with proper cleaners (like Goo Gone). They cannot be removed from paper without severe damage.

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Used by Game Dude (on cartridges and CD cases only) and NGF(on carts, inserts, and manuals).War RoomOriginallycreated as a for sorting out disputes and flame wars, a version ofthe War Room was also created on the forums. Thisforum has developed into its own, umm, unique community (forbetter or for worse) that's only loosely related to the Neo Geo.WHWorld Heroes(also: WH2, WHJ Jet, WHP Perfect).Internet/Forum TermsAvatarUser selected pictures used on forums.Members can select pictures from an existing gallery, or submit asmall picture (64x64 pixels,.gif or.jpeg format) to the admin foruploading.BTW' By The Way' –commoninternet shorthand.BumpWhen someone posts in a thread just to put itback at the top of the forum.

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